Create an Account
Welcome to Licit Trader, your number 1 crypto trading plug. The first step you need to take to become a crypto millionaire is to CREATE an account with us.

Make your Deposit
After creating your account, you can login immediately. All your details are secure with out terra security layer. Next is for you to make deposit into the crypto wallet our broker will give you. Remember that the more you invest, the more your profit.

Wait for your Profit
Our professional traders will start trading with your deposit and you can monitor your profit from your dashboard. You will be making huge profits and you can withdraw it at anytime.

Aside from their industrial applications, precious metals like gold and silver are important to traders as they’re considered safe-haven assets. Investors turn to gold and silver in times of economic uncertainty as they provide a hedge against currency risk and are a sound addition to any investment portfolio. This is because they’re either uncorrelated or negatively correlated to conventional assets like stocks or the US dollar.

One single bitcoin is presently valued at $69,0000. There is nothing more mind blowing than that. Investing in BTC is the most intelligent thing to do today. It gives you massive ROI within a very short time that no business can give you in the world universe. Imagine you invested in BTC 3 years ago with only $1000, you will be a million dollar richer today.

Cryptocurrency is a total game changes that is why world powers are fighting it. Especially banking institutions. It gives every one equal opportunity to become billionaires without the monitoring and permission of the government. At Licit Traders we guide you on the right crypto to invest in.

Trades & Stocks
CFDs on Stocks represent fractional ownership of companies that are publicly traded. Stock markets are simply the venues that facilitate the trading of these companies’ shares between individuals and institutions. Stocks are normally categorized by the country where a company is based. So, for example, Apple is considered a US stock and Adidas is considered a German stock.

When compared to individual stocks, investing in an index spreads your risk across all the assets that compose that index. For example, if you invest in one high profile company such as Apple or Facebook, the performance of your investment will be determined by how well or poorly that individual company performs. With an index, you are investing in the market as a whole, so your potential upside may be limited when compared to the individual performers in the index.

Financial Consultancy
There so many products and investment schemes in the world, you have to discern wisely so that you don’t fall into wrong hands and scammers. Licit Trader is legit and solid and we will guide you in making perfect choices of where, what and when to invest your assets/capital and give you insane profit withing the shortest possible time.